Privacy policy


Kings Cross Speakers (KCS) oastmasters International club cares about your privacy.

The club holds personal information for the purpose of running the club and for the benefit of members and guests. We work to ensure that the data is held in compliance with all appropriate legislation such as General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Data Protection Bills 2017-19.

Please read this information carefully.

This document briefly highlights the following:

∙ Who is in charge of KCS?

∙ What Information we collect?

∙ Why we keep this information?

∙ Where the information is stored?

∙ Who has access to this information?

∙ What are your rights & what you can do to have your information removed?

We work to ensure that anybody we share the data with treats it appropriately.

  1. Who is in charge?


Kings Cross Speakers is a toastmaster club formed under charter - it is part of an umbrella organisation Toastmasters International (TMI) a not-for-profit organisation based in the USA.


The club is managed by an elected committee that consists of:


  • President

  • VP Education

  • VP Membership

  • VP Public Relations

  • VP Mentoring

  • Treasurer

  • Club Secretary

  • Sergeant at Arms

And also appointed persons such as:

  • IT Support


If you have any questions related to Kings Cross  Speakers and data protection, please contact your club secretary on


  1. What information we collect?


We ask for different information about you depending on your relationship with the club and TMI. Below are the key relationships and the information collected for each data controller.


Guest Information

From visiting guests we ask for name and email address only.

(N.b. guests are not compelled to provide this information).

This information is not shared outside of the club, and is purely held for following up on your guests experience at the club and future meeting dates and details about membership.

If you are a visiting toastmaster and are performing a functionary role at a meeting (such as GE, speaker etc.) we will also request your EasySpeak username (see below) so you can be added to our agenda and receive the relevant credit towards your progress in the Leadership and/or Education tracts.

Prospective Members & Toastmasters International

If after visiting our club a guest decides to join then we will collect:

● Full Name

● Email Address

● Postal Address

● Phone numbers (mobile/home)

This information will be captured and shared with TMI.

Upon acceptance into the club, the Vice President of Membership liaises with the club Treasurer to submit the member information to the Toastmasters International website: ( via the ‘Club Central’ feature.

When you join a Toastmasters club you become a member of two organisation, your local club and TMI. Subsequently, TMI send you separate login credentials for their website access.

Toastmasters International will use the postal address to deliver monthly Toastmasters material (magazine) and education certificates through the post and emails on TMI related matters at the global, District, Divisional and Area levels.

Club committee members have access to the ‘Club Central’ feature on the Toastmasters Website and the Vice-President of Education has access to the addresses to ensure that the correct address is used when submitting member educational awards.

Upon departure from the club, a member’s name and contact information (including address) will no longer be accessible (on the club roster) to the leadership team.

To update any postal addresses or any personal information from the Toastmasters International website, you can login to TMI and amend your details or alternatively you may contact:

Members & EasySpeak (

After becoming a member, we create an account for you on, EasySpeak, our meeting management system. EasySpeak is used to efficiently organise KCS meetings.

The system allows you to schedule your club meeting speeches and roles and to be kept up to date with club news. If you are a member of another Toastmasters club we will link your membership to that account.

EasySpeak is a shared resource between the clubs you belong to and you. You can see, update and delete the information as needed. We retain the information from being a prospective member and also track education information such as progress in the Leadership and Education tracts.

Information pertaining to weekly agenda specifics (club officer status, speech title, attendance at other clubs) is accessible to the general public.

As an EasySpeak user, you have the option to modify the level of privacy (i.e. phone number and email address visibility and availability to public) in your profile settings. The Vice President of Education has access to EasySpeak and has the ability to build and modify the meeting agenda. To remove all of your records on EasySpeak, follow this link and take action:

Once all your data on EasySpeak has been deleted, it is no longer recoverable. Removal from EasySpeak whilst an active member will also make meeting creation and participation difficult. Please carefully consider this whilst still an active member participating in regular meetings

  1. Who can access your information?

KC keeps your information secure within various shared documents. Typically only committee members and IT support have access to your information. Information may also be shared with specific members if needed for their role e.g.:


  • A Contest Chair  (e.g. contact details of the contestants)

  • A Mentor/Mentee (e.g. contact details of  Mentees/Mentors respectively)

  • A special event organiser


We also share information with several third parties (such as TMI and EasySpeak) as detailed above. We may also share information with other clubs.  Access to these documents is granted to club members only when needed.


  1. Where the club stores data?

Below is a list of locations this club stores personal data and who has access. Additional online Information regarding our third party providers / systems that use your personal data are provided and such use is in accordance with those third parties’ own privacy policies and terms and conditions.

N.b. we may add other locations to this in the future if they obey a similar privacy policy.

Toastmasters International

We share your information with TMI when you decide to become a member of our club. TMI maintains and stores the information listed above. Being a member of TMI is part of being a ‘Toastmaster’.

You can view their privacy policy on their website;

N.b. the TMI website ( is where members access Pathways, the online education programme.

EasySpeak (

EasySpeak is a toastmasters meeting management site.

You can see their privacy policy here:

Note, whilst the information held may be created on your behalf the information is fully manageable and controlled by you and any clubs you are a member of.

Google Docs/ Dropbox

KC uses Google Drive and Dropbox to share club organisational information. By default only club officers (and incoming club officers) can access this information. Certain files may be shared with other club members to support specific needs. We are moving towards using Google Docs for club documents as access can be controlled and revoked easily.

Google’s privacy policies can be found here:

Dropbox policy can be found here:

KCS email accounts

We have a single club email account  ccessible by all the committee. There is a second account, for membership enquiries and submission of membership forms accessible by VP Membership and the President.

We are moving to having all official business handled on managed email accounts in the future. Therefore, data will no longer be held in personal accounts (such as VPE during member onboarding).

Google’s privacy policies can be found here:

Social Media - Facebook / Twitter / YouTube / Website

Our club has a social media presence.

New club members and guests are provided with the option to consent to photographs and video footage being taken of them. Guests and members are free to decline being photographed/filmed.

During a club meeting, the Public Relation team takes photographs, predominantly featuring members and guests speaking on stage and those speakers receiving awards. These images are shared on the KCS website and public Facebook group.

The external Facebook group is open to the general public. Photos of meetings are used to increase club visibility online whilst helping to promote KCS and Toastmasters to a wider audience.

Facebook’s privacy policy can be found here:

During club meetings, speeches and activities on stage are recorded using a digital camcorder. Upon completion of the meeting, a Club Officer upload the files as unlisted KCS Youtube channel. The videos can only be found using a Youtube link without any name identifying links, other than the playlist containing a first name. Videos are recorded to assist club members with their educational goals whilst providing a valuable online learning resource for members interested in developing their public speaking.

We may post articles naming members such as speech or evaluation winners at meetings and other club news. If you do not wish to appear in our social media feed please inform the VP PR –


On occasions the club may use a service such as Mailchimp to send out personalised emails to a large number of people. Their privacy policy can be found here:

WhatsApp Group

Our club maintains two “invite only” WhatsApp groups for club business. A general members’ group and a club officers’ group. No personal information other than your mobile phone number is stored here. If you wish you may unsubscribe from these group accounts at any time.


We maintain a meetup group for announcing club dates and meeting information. Unless we ask for registration for special events no personal information is stored here. If we have a special event we might ask for Name, email, club as appropriate.


On occasions we may use Eventbrite for special events. Unless we ask for registration for special events no personal information is stored here. If we have a special event we might ask for Name, email, club as appropriate.

  1. Personal data breaches

If you believe that your personal data or other data under the control of the club has or may have been used in an unauthorised or unlawful way, please contact your club secretary on  immediately.

  1. Your Rights


Under the data protection regulations you have a number of specific rights as specified here:


To summarise you have the right to:

  • Know who is holding your data (details above)

  • Know who to contact:

  • Know what data we collect and what we do with it (see above)

  • Who we share information with and why (see above)

  • You have the right to ask us what information we hold on you

  • You have the right to ask us to delete your information

  • You have the right to raise a complaint with the ICO -


Further reading:



Revised: 20 May 2018