Typical meeting

Each meeting of Kings Cross Speakers follows a proven format.


Each meeting sees 3-4 members present a prepared speech of 4 to 7 minutes. The members chose the subject and prepare the speech in advance. They focus on develop certain skills according to their focus and the objective set in their Toastmasters speech manual, or Pathways.

IMPROMPTU SPEAKING (aka Table topics)

To help develop our on-the-spot thinking and speaking confidence, each meeting sees 6-9 members or guests get on stage and answer a simple question for 1 - 2 minutes. These skills help us in situations where we are asked questions, such as meetings or job interviews when we would like to deliver a clear, confident reply.


Everyone at toastmasters is evaluated. Speakers, toastmasters, roles, they are all evaluated. During this part of the meeting we focus on giving constructive feedback to help our members recognise their strengths, increase their confidence, and identify the points they can improve. All of this so that we can all get better week by week.

This is all completed in a safe, supportive, encouraging environment where we can all grow our public speaking skills and confidence.

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